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New York, Loft Pie, 22 Pink Street
April 20, Monday
April 21, Tuesday
April 22, Wednesday
April 23, Thursday
April 24, Friday
Conference Program
Tuesday, March 14
Maria Wilson, project manager in Pixels
Lysa Mayer, creative director in DD agency
Conference Program
Tuesday, March 14
08:00 – 08:30
Conference Opening
08:30 – 10:00
Conversations of self-development in design and revolutions in the minds of the early 20s
Alex Larkins, project manager in Pixels
How to be a graphic designer and not to lose your soul. Alex will share his experience about the process of becoming a professional, career ups and downs, and searching for personal style and approach. Also, there will be a conversation of controversial points in the whole conception of design, such as: what if it is not such a hot replica, but a decree of nature?
Morning workshop
Sarah Lewin, creative director in DD agency
Lettering workshop with guru of pens, brushes, colapens, bamboo dip pens, and other instruments. Sarah will introduce you to different styles of writing and show you how to create your own handmade lettering tools.
11:30 – 12:30